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Where there's a screen, there's video.


Because we believe that video is a connection tool, we have reformulated the way we produce them.


We understand that producing videos goes beyond what the world and the market are used to doing. Therefore, we developed our own methodology, focusing on a more dynamic experience based on exchanges at each stage of the creation process.


Those looking for thanks know what they want. And #teamthanks knows how to do it. With a sense of co-creation, our final products are transforming agents, for those who make them and for those who receive them.


We are what we want to be, because we appreciate and share that.

We are thanks for sharing

We are #teamthanks!

what is the thanks culture like?

Since 2017, we have been acting as specialists in motion design video, building close relationships with startups to multinationals!

We work for a market made by people for people, as everything in life is and should be.


Whether for customers or employees, we transform our day to day into a warm experience, following a mantra:

Produce quality video, for those who do and those who watch

Want to be part of #teamthanks?

Do you believe in a more welcoming, human and close market?

Want to have your voice heard and achieve the best results

while delighting customers along the way?


So thanks wants to meet you!

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